
Tumble Books Library 英文原声图书馆 04


我一直确信着,马克 吐温先生会永远地照顾顽皮捣蛋的孩童们。而今藉由马克 吐温先生的幽魂指引,找到书香满盈的藏书阁。愿无穷无尽的精灵们继续捣蛋吧!


这是真的! 谨以此文纪念马克 吐温先生,谢谢他的慷慨。





Castle On Hester Street

]"A flying goat, buttons the size of sleds, and a castle on Hester Street are some of the widely imaginative stories Julie's grandpa tells her about his journey from Russia to New York many years ago. But Grandma's no-nonsense memories are far different from Grandpa's tall tales. This classic story, which reveals the immigrant experience with wit and warmth, won the Sydney Taylor Book Award when it was originally published with Linda Heller's own illustrations. Now, on its twenty-fifth anniversary, The Castle on Hester Street is given new life with Boris Kulikov's vibrant paintings.

Keywords: folktale, Ellis Island, Europe
Reading Level: Grade: K-4


Chicken Big

On a teeny little farm, in an itty-bitty coop, a very small hen laid a big, giant egg. And out of this egg came one big, humongous . . . something. "It's big!" clucked the little rooster. "It's enormous!" clucked the small chicken. "It's anelephant!" peeped the smallest chicken. "Run for your lives!" they cried. No matter how they try, these clueless chickens can't make sense of the gigantic new member of their familyuntil he saves the day. With wacky, laugh-out-loud humor and silliness to spare, this BIG twist on the classic Chicken Little story lends a whole new perspective to what it means to be chicken.

Reading Level: Grade: K-3


 Chicken Scratches

As adorably absurd as chickens themselves, this book of charming illustrations and laugh-out-loud funny poultry poems will appeal to anyone with a fowl sense of humor!
Keywords: poetry, humor


Cinnamon And The April Shower

It's spring! The forest is full of newborn animals and plants. An April shower frightens Cinnamon, her new cub, and their woodland friends. Solomon Raven explains the importance of rain for animal and forest survival.
Keywords: forest animals, Spring, habitats
Reading Level:Grade: K-3


 Clever Beatrice

What happens when a very little girl makes a bet with a very LARGE giant?
Keywords: giants, forest, folktale
Reading Level:Grade: K-3


The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal

When a boy visits another village, he is amazed to find the townspeople terrified of something that—just because they have not seen it before—they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, he helps them overcome their fears. Rose Mary Santiago’s illustrations accentuate the surprise in this story in a clever way that will delight youngsters. This is the second book in this series illustrated by her, following the award-winning best seller, The Farmer’s Wife.
Keywords: watermelon, folktale, humor
Reading Level:Grade: K-2


Clever Rachel

Two clever kids are better than one. In this retelling of a Jewish folktale, Jacob tries to stump Rachel with his best riddles but fails repeatedly. When a young woman in need of help presents Rachel and Jacob with the trickiest riddles of all, they discover the only way to solve them is to work together.
Reading Level:Grade: 1-4


Clever Trevor

Buzz and his band of bullies have taken over the playground where Trevor and his friends hang out. But Trevor learns just enough about levers to challenge Buzz to a contest - and win!
Keywords: bullies, bullying, sports, ingenuity, physics, science, playground, friends
Reading Level:Grade: K-3


Counting Coconuts

Monkey has gathered a huge pile of tasty coconuts. Before he can enjoy them he must count them. He discovers counting in sets is the fastest way to complete the task.
Keywords: rainforest, animals, habitats, numbers
Reading Level: Grade: K-3,



Crab Moon

One June night, under the full moon, Daniel's mother wakes him up to see the extraordinary sight of horseshoe crabs spawning on the beach-just as they have every spring for 350 million years. In the morning, Daniel returns to find one lone crab, marooned upside down in the sand. Is it dead? Can he save it? Like a perfect weekend at the beach, CRAB MOON leaves an indelible memory of a special adventure between a parent and a child. And with luminous paintings by Kate Kiesler, it relays a powerful message that each of us must do our part to preserve even earth's oldest creatures. In

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